Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Girlfriends Anonymous

There is something quite therapeutic about a night in with your girl friends. Never mind how wasted you get, how atrocious your behaviour is and how many secrets you spill, you never feel stupid & you never regret what you say. And the conversation always revolves around sex & men!

You would think, in a decade we would have found something else to chat about - but well not really! Through school we talked about guys with the freckles & shiny new bikes that flirted with us or the sexy boyish grins that we had a thing for. Now, its men in pilot uniforms & sex toys that know just what to say & what to do to turn us on! So while earlier love was just a little crush and childish pranks, now it is about empty flats, bleeding hearts and commitment scares.

But what hasn't changed over the years is the sheer insane fun we always have when we get together. Add to it a lot of booze (some rather questionable cocktails!) and behaviour not apt to describe in a public forum. But what do you expect with four girls, high on booze, locked in a room - uncensored! (Key shouts: 'take off your clothes', 'I so want to do it…', 'where did you put it?', 'it hurts!' ) Ya ya, I know the boys have their imagination running wild but what the hell, enjoy!

Anyways for my three darling friends who hopefully have recovered from their hangovers (& found what we lost that night) - I love you guys! We’ve stayed on different continents for several years now, went into different universities in different countries, changed many jobs, made many more friends but even today it seems nothing has really changed- N still easily gets bruised, F as always is the one responsible for N's bruises and M is always the first one to sleep through it all. And of course, my love life is always the conversation starter!

So can men ever replace what you have with your girl friends? Can your best guy friend ever take over your best girl friend? Through my university years in London, I had more guy friends than girls. In fact since we were housemates, we were basically stuck together for long. In that sense we should have been best friends but we weren’t. There was a sense of respect & care for each other that came with living on the same property, but there was never the closeness & insanity that comes with living with your girl friends.

Even my best guy friend then has drifted apart now and not just because he moved to another continent but perhaps because we were never really that close in the first place. But in London, he was my friend, philosopher & guide. And the man I fought the most with :)! Today, he is just a fond memory.

That brings me back to my question - Can a guy friend ever be as close to you as your girl friend? Perhaps, if you really love him & if you share closeness that stood the test of time. Yet there will always be something that you will not be able to say & do with him that you can with your girl friends. There will always be a time when you would hesitate to express because... come on, we all know how much men hate women who are 'emotional'.

Yet with your girl friends you can just be it all. Men might tell you what they think you like to hear, but a girl friend will tell you on your face when you are being a real bitch or an emotional fool. They will give you the strength to break up from a suffocating relationship or the encouragement to test new heights. And when you are feeling down & lonely, they will also kick your ass & get you back on your feet.

A close friend once told me that her boy friend always hated her girl friends and would get annoyed every time she spent time with them. In fact it always ended up in a big fight. I guess her boyfriend was only trying to protect his place under the sun. A girl in love may turn blind towards his follies, but the girl friend will see right through & when the time comes to see clearly, my friend chose to peep through her girl friend's lens and reality emerged. The rest (including him) is history!

So if the battle lines are drawn, a boyfriend’s worst opponent will be his girl's girl friend & she would win hands down!

1 comment:

  1. Babes... this piece should come with photographs... ;), (ya right!) Love ya
