My friend bought a rather expensive & fabulous pair of 5 inch high stilettos as opposed to her usual pair of sensible pumps. She said it was love at first sight, she couldn’t resist. It was a special occasion. She had picked up a beautiful Marc Jacob dress that showed off her stilettos perfectly. The restaurant was uptown and always packed to the brim with the whos who of the fashion world. She felt like a princess and holding her head high, smiling coyly, she gracefully walked down the stair knowing that several eyes were on her. It was a page out of Cinderella …..until….. boom! She fell right on her face!
Amidst helping hands and sighs of pity, she stood up again only to find her heel broken into two. Suddenly, the pumps she didn’t chose danced before her eyes – laughing at her & mocking her agony. She went back and bought the ballet pumps vowing never to try stilettos again.
But every time we trip and fall, we run to find safe options, wont we be running forever and from everything? And if we give up trying nothing would ever work. Just like the pair of stilettos, relationships are difficult to walk into. But the fun is to try, to walk a mile in them and see if they grow on you. Usually they do and then they are just a piece of cake. But if they don’t, can you discard them as easily as your shoes? Perhaps not!
That is why most people have one pair of sensible shoes that they can rely on to walk over rough terrain. It may not be their favourite pair and probably not one they would walk the red carpet in. But it would be a pair that they trust never to let them down!
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